October 28, 2008

Incredible Crater Lake in Snow

Chris painted me in his own words a picture of Crater Lake with immeasurable beauty, a deep, pure lake, so blue in color; sheer surrounding cliffs, almost two thousand feet high above the sea level, two picturesque islands; and a violent volcanic past...So we could not wait to pay her a visit.

Crater Lake in snowCrater Lake in snow

Chris and I have successfully managed to keep our tradition of travel. Regardless of the efforts to follow with the weather forecast and the detailed trip planning, we are bound to experience the full range of temperatures from summer to winter within one single trip.

Crater Lake in snowCrater Lake in snow

This time was not an exception either. We started from wearing short-sleeve t-shirt in Sunnyvale, CA, watched the beautiful fall colors on the way to Bend, and showed up at the snowy Crater Lake totally unprepared. Fortunately the lodge at the Crater Lake has a gigantic fire place and tasty chili soup to warm us up.

Crater Lake in snowCrater Lake in snow

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  1. 哇,真的很美哦,不过看着你穿的也替你觉得冻哦。



  2. 美国的风景就是大气,一方水土养一方人真的很有哲理。

