九寨沟的命名是来源于其间的九个藏族村寨。玩累了,就到密秘家里喝点奶茶,吃点青稞饼吧。 JiuZhaiGou is named after the nine Tibetan villages residing along the mysterious water. Getting tired after all the sightseeing and taking endless photos, we decided to take a break and enjoy some snack at a Tibetan local's home. She, the owner of the little restaurant, was preparing the Tibetan traditional hot milk tea for us. Quite tasty with a slight hint of roasted nuts.
In my heart, my dad is a loving father with a great sense of humor, a bit goofy sometimes, if one can take it. His passion and the love of life have been the greatest influence on my own life attitude of being positive, being strong and yet a bit silly sometimes.
藏族的室内装饰还是以鲜艳为主。 The internal decoration of the Tibetan home is very bright and warm. red.
The pattern on the wall.
JiuZhaiGou Travel Review Travel China SiChuan Travel Tibetan Temple
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